Consumer Reviews of Laufen tile floors
100% of customers recommend
1 review with a
5 average rating
Very Satisfied
Somewhat Satisfied
Somewhat Unsatisfied
Very Unsatisfied
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Date created: 2011-02-03
Name: Anonymous
Location: Milford, CT
Satisfaction Rating:
Very Satisfied,
5 out of 5
"Amazing Laufen Cairo Floor Tile"
I have owned Laufen Cairo Greystone Tile Stone for over two years in my kitchen. Not only was it cheap, but it looked wonderful. This was the first tile i have ever put into my home and i have never needed to repair or replace anything. Many of my friends and family always talked about how they replaced or had to repair there tile, so without a doubt i would recommend this to them. Our kitchen gets used quite a bit and there has never been a single problem on top of that its a comfortable feel and has an amazing look to it.